Publication template for Meetings, Webinars, Seminars and Conferences


With the constantly evolving innovation in the scientific and medical world, it has become a common practice to not only report and publish projects or researches, but also outcomes of strategic and high-level Meetings, Webinars, Seminars, Conferences and  so on, as scientific articles and a form of evidence to inform decisions. Especially, in the occurrence of more crucial hybrid programs, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hence, below is a paper template for such event, to be written or reported and submitted for publication in scientific journals (both online and offline):

1. Title

2. Background or introduction

  • Concise and attractive
  • What informed the webinar, meeting or conference?

3. Aim and Objectives

  • What was the aim of the event?
  • What was it meant to achieve?
  • Why was it done or why did you do it?

4. Descriptions or Methodologies and Design

  • How and why the panellist, invitees or speakers were selected.

5. Result or Outcome

  • Significance: what came out of it?
  • Relevance: was the topic of discussion generalized to a variety of settings, or specific to one area or situation
  • Is it relevant to strengthening the health systems?

6. Discussion or evaluation

  • Does the design or method meet the objective(s) stated?
  • Is there statistical correctness with elimination of possible bias? Especially bias from the influence of people on the panel.
  • It’s also nice to add contributions from panellist or questions from the audience

7. Conclusion

8. References (may or may not be included, depending on word count allowed)

Other points to ensure and consider:

  • Clarity of abstract
  • Ease of understanding to readers and the scientific community
  • Zero grammatical error
  • Impact or importance of program
  • Can the project, findings or recommendation be feasibly carried out?
  • Are the plans workable in developing countries, NGOs, Local governments or UN programs?
  • Ethics of the medical profession must be followed


Editor’s note:

This is relative to specific meetings and specification of the publishing journal or platform as well, and can be modified to suit purpose, However, this is largely a standardized template recognized by global organizations, such as WHO.


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