Day 57 of NARD Strike: Nigerian Resident Doctors and FGN Saga Continues


Despite the celebration of The International Day of Peace (also known as World Peace Day) on Tuesday, the 21st of  September, 2021 the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors and the Federal Government of Nigeria still remain at logger head – putting the healthcare system of the nation in double jeopardy. On Friday 17th of September, 2021 – following the third sitting of court on the continued NARD strike which has gone on for over 50 days, with no head ways on the negotiations between the FG and the resident doctor – the court ordered the doctors to resume back to work. However, this did not hold, as the resident doctors requested for stay of execution, refused to resume and went on to appeal against the ruling of the federal court.

Over the course of this ongoing strike, different action and inaction by every parties involved have shown that everyone – even the government – seems to be comfortable with the unending strike by the resident doctors. Different schools of thought have posed different theories for the turn of event at the court and beyond, some of which are; the leadership of the national parent body (NMA) not assuming their responsibilities or playing their role well; the NARD asking for more at every point of negotiation; the FG not being sincere in their approach towards acting on memorandum created and using legislative power to get judgment in their unilateral favor. However, constant variables across board are; the National Healthcare provision is in crises (as provision of medical services without the NARD can never be optimal) and the medical training (especially for students and interns) in shambles.

Interestingly, asides from the hassle with the FG, there are pertinent internal issues causing a rift among the different level of doctors themselves; and according to the popular saying goes – “a house divided against itself cannot stand” – doctors are yet to stand up tall in sure victory. Some of the issues are the mode and location of the NMA EDM following the 21 days ultimatum. The meeting which was first set take place virtually which raised a lot of reservation, as pertinent issues and opinion of every participant might not be addressed, hence was rejected by the leadership of most NMA state, Then it was changed to a physical meeting scheduled to hold in Jos, but this also raised grievances as the choice of location was not the best at the time. After much rejection, discussions and deliberation it was finally agreed to hold in Abuja for ease of accessibility and security purposes. All of these, moved across different dates from 18th to 26th, to 28th of September, 2021 and now October 2nd, 2021 – which is after the NARD AGM and handing over to a new set of national executives.

Then there was the call for resignation by Dr. Ujah, the national NMA president or a removal from office if need be due to his conflict of interest as the union president with a political appointment as the Vice Chancellor of a fast developing University of Medical Sciences in Oturkpo. However, this notion was countered with the same “a house divided against itself cannot stand” and what message the doctors would be passing across to the general public, if such happened as such critical time. Even though his responsibility of upholding the NEC decisions concerning payment of Nigerian resident doctors (his members) who have last received salaries in July and are being owed between 2-7month salaries was visibly neglected.

The pulse of Doctors generally in the last one year has been visible to the blind and audible to the deaf. We have lost grounds on the basis of remuneration, massive exodus of our colleagues, demoralized medical doctors, oppressive circulars and actions from the Government amongst many others. More recently, the attempt by the FG to decimate the political wing of the NMA is being seen to be romanced by the NMA current leadership by its actions and inactions – A concerned doctor and NMA member.

Nevertheless, a member of the National NMA Executive at one of the Emergency General Meeting of a member state, corrected that the “Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor” notion being carried by the doctors concerning the NMA NOC on this lingering issue is in fact not true. As the NMA NOC has been working tirelessly to ensure the residents demands are met and has been interfacing at every negotiation for them. He however clarified that the famous meeting with the President of Nigeria was a pre-planned courtesy visit and not a negotiation ground.

Another misinformation clarified was news going round that the NARD Leadership refused to sign an MoU with the Government on Thursday (16/09/2021). This was wrong, because the NARD team and the NMA Secretary General was at the venue of the meeting, as scheduled by the Hon. Minister of Labour himself for 6pm, till 10pm. Howbeit, the FG team and the MoL refused to come for the renegotiation meeting but would rather grant a press conference, which was what the MoL was met doing when the team approached him in his office for waiting for over 3 hours at the FMoL conference room. This was despite the pleas to both parties to stop the media stunts and hostilities.

However, this period has built strong solidarity for the residents doctors. Some of such events that have worked in favour of the NARD was the commendable resilience of the NMA NEC members across the states, for working hard to prevent the oppression her members; the act of kindness and support from compassionate senior colleagues who gave tens and hundreds of thousands to their resident doctors across different institutions as palliative in this trying time and the general public empathizing with the struggles and pain of the Nigerian Doctor. Finally, having proficient lawyers representing the NARD at court was a big plus, as having those big guns prevented the FG from using the judiciary against the resident doctors out rightly and unjustly, which has being being a huge game-changer.


Editor’s note:

The article was collated from first hand accounts, communiques and discussions on various recognized and registered medical doctors platform. Contributors are Dr. Adedayo A. A. Aderibigbe, Dr. Shuaibu Ibrahim, Dr. Obinyan Patrick, Dr. Askira, Dr. Adewale Premiere, Dr. Wahab R. O., Dr. Anjola Seun, Dr. Hakeem A. Alimi and Dr. Agoyi M. O..

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