Mentorship in Oncology – Pathway to a successful career


Mentorship has been identified by medical students, residents, and faculties as an important component of specialty selection and research productivity in radiation oncology. Hence, the importance of educating webinars on such topics cannot be overemphasized.

Important points to note on mentorship, shared during one of such webinar include;

  • A mentor is someone willing to invest in you to help you achieve a set goal at a set time.
  • Mentoring is a bi-directional relationship, be ready to give back to your mentor as a mentee.
  • As a mentee, you have to chase your mentor, set your goals, and tell him/her what you want to achieve.
  • Look around you, identify someone who has walked your path, and seek mentorship.
  • Once you have an idea, find a mentor in that area that would help you birth your idea!
  • Diligence, Resilience, and consistency are necessary keys to success! If you intend to leave the world a better place, then you have to make sacrifices and be knowledge-driven!
  • You need to be deliberate about Networking, you are as good as your network!
  • To make the world a better place you need to think global and solve problems that bridge the gap!
  • Set your career vision for yourself and pursue it!
  • To solve problems and provide elegant solutions, you have to be well studied, invest in yourself. In the end, you’ll not only become a pride to yourself but a value to the world!
  •  Volunteering is key! Do not shy away from it, it would help you develop problem-solving skills.

In any field you find yourself, you need a mentor, find a mentor today!

Editor’s Note:
The above article was originally written by Dr. Adaorah Momodu. An extract from a webinar hosted by Dr. Omolola Salako, Principal Investigator – X-labs Digital Hub on Saturday, 13th June 2020. 

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