X-labs Digital Health Hub holds The Extraordinary Medics Webinar on innovation and technology in health practice



COVID-19 has undoubtedly paved way for more innovation and technology in the health sector. One of such is the bi-weekly webinar organized by X-LABS DIGITAL HEALTH HUB tagged #ExtraordinaryMedics. On the 29th of May, 2020 the webinar held live on Zoom with Adam Thompson (Chief Executive Officer, EHA Clinics, Nigeria) as the guest speaker and Dr. Omolola Salako (Principal Investigator, X-Labs Digital Health Hub) moderating the enlightening session titled, Role of Innovation and technology in setting up and running a modern day health practice”.

Adam Thompson who has had years of experience in public health – especially in the northern states – before starting up the EHA clinics, during the webinar shared some fascinating insight on the ‘inside-out’ model employed by himself and his team. He went on to speak on his choice to focus on a system that would work to provide care for his staff and their family members first. Doing this required looking for the best possible way to do things at the least cost ranging from how to create easy to maintain facilities, water treatments, airing and so on. This can be referred to an innovation, as it would require sitting with great minds to develop such models.

Another point he expatiated on was to do our best to make every process of care less burdensome for the patients. From the point of entry to exit, if a process isn’t working, we should actively work towards changing it and not pretend things are working when they are not. He likewise made emphasis on improving the people’s system, with good attitude towards work, as it’s not enough to put all the technology in place and still have people with the wrong attitudes working with the available resources. It is therefore vital to get a team that those the work differently in a better manner for efficiency and effectiveness. It is everyone’s job to see that a patient is satisfied with the care they’ve been offered and the clinic or hospital setting and staff attendance must all be patient-centered.

Furthermore, he elaborated on the importance of networking in this present day which cannot be overemphasized. He advised health professionals to build a large network within and outside the healthcare system which can be leveraged upon for development. This can be achieved by attending conferences and making it a point of duty to network while there. Also, constantly carrying out researches on current events unfolding in our various field by coming up with research ideas, collaborating with other medical personnel – nurses, pharmacists, lab scientists etc. – and publishing to see how the results would be imbibed into practice can be beneficial.

During these processes of researches and networking is often how innovation comes about, when and where quality questions such as, “what is in your field that you have noticed, how can it be done better? Is there someone in the tech field you can approach to create something?” … are brought up and discussed for actions. Also, as we seek to innovate, be open to new ideas and these ideas must be thoroughly thought through and adequately tested before launching them fully.

Sources of income in healthcare, as a crucial aspect to individual and health economies was highlighted by both the guest and Dr Salako. Some of the ways to generate more income stated include – but not limited to – Laboratory tests, Pharmacy, Research (grants), extending services provided such as thinking up ideas on other services and tests a laboratory can run asides patient tests. Adam Thompson also mentioned the option of creating membership plans for your patients to exclude issues with certain HMO’s. Dr. Omolola Salako further advised to have a board of advisors from different professional backgrounds when starting out any practice for a better and usually well balanced approach.

Before rounding up, she added some tips to adopting the use of telemedicine; on learning how to focus on patients and creating a good consultation experience. For example, doctors facing the camera on his or her screen so the patient can see that eye contact is being maintained. Some recommended books listed by Adam Thompson for health professionals striving to be the best are Patient-centered strategy by Jeff Hunter, Culture fix by Colin D. Ellis and Leadership books by Quint Studer.

Dr Jesupelumi Adenihun

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