NGOs celebrate World AIDS Day with positive and negative mothers in Ogun state


Due to the significant effect of HIV/AIDS infection in the global health sector, December 1st of every year has been set aside as the World AIDS Day (WAD) to raise awareness about and increase the response towards ending the HIV epidemic globally. In the same vein, “End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics” was the theme for the year 2021.

HIV/AIDS is still a prevalent scourge in our world today, with an upsurging resurgence in certain locations among specific populations due to various reasons. Although there are ongoing researches and works by international health organisations towards developing a cure and vaccination against the virus, its still largely incurable but highly preventable. Hence, continuous public education on mode of transmission, prevention and management is very important.

This year, NGOs came together to commemorate the WAD 2021 with pregnant and nursing mothers living with HIV/AIDS and those that are HIV negative at the Ado-odo Ota Primary Health Centre, Ota, Ogun state. These NGOs include Safer Hands Health Initiative, Rebekah Foundation and the Standing Committee on Reproductive health and AIDS (Association of Medical Students, University of Lagos arm – SCORA-AMSUL).

During the event, the mothers were educated on Preventing Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) – which remains one of the main mode of transmission for paediatric HIV/AIDS patients. Other aspects also taught to participants at the WAD antenatal and postnatal clinic outreach were birth preparedness, family planning, breastfeeding, nutrition and hygiene in pregnancy and for nursing mothers.

Some of the guests present at the event were Mr Odebode Gbadebo (Acting PHC Director), Mrs Akinsanya Marian (Chief Nursing Officer), Miss Tomori Olawunmi (P NOl LACA manager), Ms. Bukola Akinremi (Data Entry Official, APIN Ota PHC). During the vote of thanks by the Apex Nurse and Reproductive health Coordinator, Ado-odo Ota – Mrs Akinremi Rashidat, she expressed her profound gratitude and commended the organisations for coming together to educate and distribute free healthcare items to the women (especially those living with HIV/AIDS) and also donating hygienic materials and birthing Kits to the primary health centre. As this was one of it’s kind and they hope for more of such outreach.

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