Universal Health Coverage Day: HCPAN calls for collaboration and resilience among Healthcare Providers in Nigeria


The Healthcare Providers’ Association of Nigeria (HCPAN) held her 2023 Annual general and scientific meeting today, 12th of December – which doubles as the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day.

Yearly observed on 12th of December, the Universal Health Coverage Day focuses on building resilient health systems to safeguard the health and well-being of all people, everywhere – towards achieving sustainable development globally.

During this year’s scientific conference, the keynote lecture (also known as the Ise-Oluwa Aworinde Memorial Lecture) on the theme titled, “The 2023 NHIA Operational Guidelines: Capabilities or Otherwise of Delivering on Universal Health Coverage (UHC)” was delivered by Dr Yakubu Agada-Amade, Director, Standards and Quality Assurance Department, National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA).

After which the plenary sessions on “Tariffs in Health Insurance Ecosystem: A pivotal index for Universal Health Coverage Attainment” and “Health Insurance as a tool for attainment of UHC: How has Nigeria fared in the present economic crises?” was robustly discussed by experts across the field. Such as Njide Ndili – Country Director, PharmAccess Foundation, Dr Jimmy Arigbabuwo and Representatives of other Affiliate professional health groups.

Furthermore, executives of the association bewail the surging rate at members are closing down their healthcare facilities, while urging all to be resilient towards sustaining our healthcare system’s provision capability and strengthening the association for greater impact.

The HCPAN is the umbrella body for all healthcare providers that own facilities and provide health insurance, as well as their affiliate professional groups. These include Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Radiographers, Optometrists, Nurses and Midwives, Laboratory Scientists, Physiotherapists and Nutritionists.

With major focus on the effective implementation of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) across the country, it was reinstated that “providers are the engine for implementing health insurance”. But we must all come together – regardless of our difference, discipline or cadre – and present a united front to blow our own horns and make opinions respected.

Also, as a closing remarks, healthcare providers were urged to let their group interest override their service or personal interest towards achieving the common goal of a functional health system for all.

Editor’s note:
Photo credit: HCPAN Assembly on NHIA platform.

Discussion1 Comment

  1. Health care system needs to adapt the new standard of tariffs that should be reviewed by HMOs this is the only way private practioners can break even.

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